Dispatches from Maine

Just another person of little note writing about ordinary things. That I reside in Maine is icing on the cake.

01 December 2007

Installation at Cumberland Lodge

This evening I was pleased to be able to assist in the Installation of Officers for Cumberland Lodge No. 12. The new Master for the year is Wor. Bro. Kurt Ringrose, a co-worker at DeLorme who contributes significantly to the product I oversee, so it thrilled me to be able to participate. The evening flowed very smoothly with Wor. Bro. Steven Cobb as the Installing Master and two experienced Past Masters assisting as the Installing Marshal and Installing Chaplain. Wor. Bro. Cobb performed very well particularly considering it was his first crack; he was far less nervous than I on my first attempt! I installed the Wardens and Secretary along with doing the candle charges for the Master and Wardens. A great time was truly had by all, which is to be expected for a lodge with so many young, excited officers! Wor. Bro. Ringrose is set to have a great year in the Oriental Chair.

So many Maine Masons have witnessed the installation ceremony without knowing much about its history. One of the earliest versions of the installation ritual can be found in Wor. Bro. William Preston's seminal work "Illustrations of Masonry" in Book 2, Section 6 "The ancient ceremonies of the Order". Though it is not quite the same as our ceremony, you can see our roots in its structure and language. Much of what Preston wrote way back in 1772 is still part of our installation today.

To all of the students of Masonic ritual out there, what was the next edition of the installation and why was that ritual so important in the 18th century?

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At 02 December, 2007 10:44 , Blogger Tom Accuosti said...

Wow, good find. I'm always looking for older versions of ritual, just because I enjoy seeing how it evolved over the years.

Conn is going to be redoing their ritual soon, or rather, going back to some older versions and seeing what changed and why, and perhaps restoring some older sections.


At 19 December, 2007 23:59 , Blogger James A. Morman said...

Just found your blog tonight after googling til 1 am for the last two weeks about Catholicism and Freemasonry. I am a lifelong Catholic who joined Gibson Lodge 301 in Ohio back in March and this fall really began being active in the lodge. Next year our Grand Lodge celebrates 150th year! Keep up the good work


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